By: Drake Management1st Assay Results:
Hazen Research, Inc.
Samples Taken 4/9/07
Samples were collected by Jan Yarrington over a five mile section including the Georgia property and some of the surrounding area. As stated on Drake’s November 30, 2007 announcement, "Assay results (below) indicate a viable gold resource at the surface and indicate a significant gold resource at depth. The hard-rock assay values are of particular interest: maximum 0.571 ounces of gold per ton or $340 per ton. The placer gold values are even more concentrated, approaching 1 ounce per ton consistently (combination of DG-20 and DG-15). Typically, when exploring for gold, one has to rely on placer gravels to lead to an area of high concentration in the hard rock. The samples assayed at the Georgia property, however, have shown significant gold concentrations in the hard rock as well as the placer."
"To put these sample concentrations into perspective, the cut-off grade for open-pit gold mines is 0.01 ounces of gold per ton. The Georgia samples have concentrations in the hard rock that are 50 times that of low grade ore."
Read Full 1st Assay ResultsSAMPLE.......................GOLD OZ/TON
2nd Assay Results
ALS Chemex
Samples Taken 9/6/07
With the advisement of Drake management, Jan Yarrington again collected samples, targeting areas that showed promise in the previous assay. As stated on Drake’s November 30, 2007 announcement, “Samples reported by Dr. McLemore processed by ALS Chemex had a maximum record of 10 grams per ton so that trace elements would be evaluated. Four of the samples, both hard rock and placer, again came in over 10 grams per ton. The exact amount over is undetermined due to the process.”
Read Full 2nd Assay ResultsSAMPLE ..........GOLD PARTS PER MILLION
JBBC ................................>0.005
A-1+3 CON.........................5.200
AA-1+3 CON......................0.285
A-1+3-U CON .................<10.00
T-1 CON ..........................<10.00
T-1-B CON.......................<10.00
3rd Assay Results Part 1:
ALS Chemex
Samples Taken 2/28/08
Samples were taken by Thomas Conar, Clayton Smith and Jan Yarrington. These collections represent purely soil samples. Quoted from the March 11, 2008 announcement, “Drake's management mining plan called for independent analyses from two different labs to ensure accuracy of sampling. As indicated on the Company's blog and in past press updates, Drake management identified its initial target area in Georgia and did depth sampling, digging seven trenches and sampling from each zone to determine the gold resources.”
Read Full 3rd Assay Results Part 1SAMPLE.............GOLD PARTS PER MILLION
JB H(1) S(1)........................0.006
JB H(1) S(2)........................0.004
JB H(1) S(3)........................0.006
JB H(1) S(4)........................0.002
JB H(1) S(5)........................0.005
JB H(2) S(1)........................0.006
JB H(2) S(2)........................0.006
JB H(2) S(3)........................0.004
JB H(2) S(4)........................0.004
JB H(2) S(5)........................0.004
JB H(3) S(1)........................0.005
JB H(3) S(2)........................0.003
JB H(3) S(3)........................0.01
JB H(3) S(4)........................0.005
JB H(3) S(5)........................0.003
JB H(4) S(1)........................0.01
JB H(4) S(2)........................0.006
JB H(4) S(3)........................0.007
JB H(4) S(4)........................0.013
JB H(4) S(5)........................0.007
NE of Buchanan..................0.006
HP (I) NE F Bucknoan......0.002
RI 01/30/08 Sample (1)..0.004
V-MC-H(1) S(1).................0.002
V-MC-H(1) S(2).................0.006
V-MC-H(2) S(1).................0.003
V-MC-H(2) S(2).................0.003
V-MC-H(3) S(1).................0.003
V-MC-H(3) S(2).................0.005
Concentrate vs. S(2)..........0.004
No Description #1..............0.002
No Description #2..............0.004
JB HA(1) Sample 5..............0.002
3rd Assay Results Part 2:
Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc.
Samples Taken 2/28/08
Samples, taken at the same time as the samples from Part 1, Soil and hard rock, were sent to Texas due to the unfortunate delay in results from Nevada where the first batch was sent. These clearly show the variation in concentration of the hard rock. As stated in the March 11, 2008 press announcement, “With the help of both ALS Chemex in Sparks, Nevada and Southern Spectrographic Laboratory in Irving, Texas, Drake was able to process 42 samples in total. The majority (35 out of 42) of the samples all showed gold values from unconcentrated grab samples with a maximum placer sample of .47 ounces per ton and a hard rock sample running as high as 4.23 ounces per ton.”
Read Full 3rd Assay Results Part 2SAMPLES............................GOLD OZ/TON
Iron Ore ..................................<0.03
Quartes ...................................<0.03
J-B Hole 3...............................<0.03
4 J-B Hole 4 Concentrate.....<0.03
NE Creek B1 Black Sand.......<0.03
Norm Farm Field .................<0.03
B3 NE Creek ..........................<0.03
B3 Hard Rock Crush ...............0.47
B1&B2 NE of Vein ...................4.23
4th Assay Results:
Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc.
Samples Taken 3/17/08 to 3/21/08
Following review of the third set of assays, President John Marconette was significantly encouraged to travel on-site and collect further samplings of the hard rock. Mr. Marconette personally oversaw the on-site sampling in March. The eighteen samples were sent to Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc. for analysis, from which the assay data referenced derived. While past collections had focused primarily on soil sampling, Mr. Marconette decided to more closely examine the hard rock grades on the property, thus leading to these exciting discoveries.
Read Full 4th Assay ResultsSAMPLE .........................GOLD OZ/TON
Upper Vally NW ....................1.74
Lower Valley ..........................2.51
N Hill Lower 2 .......................0.23
N Hill Lower 1 .......................0.78
Hole 1 ......................................0.22
W Hill Behind H.A2..............0.32
Crush Valley Ore Creek........0.41
Hole 3 .....................................0.38
N Hill Side Property.............0.015
N Hill Valley Power Line.....0.11
N Center Hill .........................0.011
Creek Screen .......................<0.01
Drive Way ..............................0.39
Big Rock Next to House.......0.66
W Hill Behind H.A1............<0.01
Hole 1 .....................................1.00
Behind House ........................1.13
Big Quartz’s ...........................0.45
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