Thursday, April 24, 2008
Our Dove Explorer 500
By: Drake Management
As you all know, we at Drake are currently awaiting the shipment of our Explorer 500 from Dove Mining and Equipment. This machinery, secured with no up-front costs, is a mining powerhouse with a processing speed of up to 60 tons of solids an hour. To the left is a picture of the model we will be receiving in the coming weeks.
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See the Assembly of the Dove Superminer
By: Drake Management
As explained in a recent press release, President of AERO Mining Technologies, Ken Jayne, recently traveled to Thailand to visit Dove Mining and Equipment’s overseas facilities. Upon his return, we learned the estimated date of shipment for our Explorer 500. We also heard a lot about Mr. Jayne’s trip to Dove’s factories. Lucky for us, he shared some excellent pictures with us, including those posted below, showing the assembly of one of Dove’s most popular models, the Superminer.
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As explained in a recent press release, President of AERO Mining Technologies, Ken Jayne, recently traveled to Thailand to visit Dove Mining and Equipment’s overseas facilities. Upon his return, we learned the estimated date of shipment for our Explorer 500. We also heard a lot about Mr. Jayne’s trip to Dove’s factories. Lucky for us, he shared some excellent pictures with us, including those posted below, showing the assembly of one of Dove’s most popular models, the Superminer.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Georgia Sampling Pictures
By: Drake Management
Drake has recently released some exciting assay results from recent samples collected by our President, John Marconette. Mr. Marconette gathered the hard rock samples from surface to a depth of 12 inches. These collections did not come from a single hard rock source, but reflect the fractured nature of much of the hard rock discovered on the property. Because these quartz deposits are fractured, moving the material with excavators in order to be processed should be relatively unhindered. No blasting will be required to process the fractured quartz; these deposits are thus rather accessible and while processing them will require crushing, they should pose minimum additional preparations.
The pictures below are of 5 of the recent samples and were taken by Mr. Marconette, providing insight into their size and condition.
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Drake has recently released some exciting assay results from recent samples collected by our President, John Marconette. Mr. Marconette gathered the hard rock samples from surface to a depth of 12 inches. These collections did not come from a single hard rock source, but reflect the fractured nature of much of the hard rock discovered on the property. Because these quartz deposits are fractured, moving the material with excavators in order to be processed should be relatively unhindered. No blasting will be required to process the fractured quartz; these deposits are thus rather accessible and while processing them will require crushing, they should pose minimum additional preparations.
The pictures below are of 5 of the recent samples and were taken by Mr. Marconette, providing insight into their size and condition.
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Monday, April 21, 2008
Drake Gold Announces New Assay Results
By: Drake Management
The management team at Drake Gold is thrilled to announce the latest laboratory analysis of samples taken from our Georgia gold mining site. As we have explained in previous public statements, members of Drake management recently traveled to Georgia on two separate occasions for the purpose of gathering further samples from the property. During each of these trips gold was visibly seen in pans from samples processed on site. Toward the end of February, Drake management was on-site, collecting strictly soil samples. The main objective of these collections was to lend added insight into the true location of the primary gold source on the property. As previously mentioned, these samples were sent to ALS Chemex labs in Sparks, NV. Due to errors made by the laboratory, these samples unfortunately took nearly a month to be processed. While waiting for the completion of these results, another set of samples collected at the same time were sent to Texas to another independent laboratory, Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, which had completed assays for Drake to our satisfaction in the past. The purpose of these samples was to determine the gold parts per million in the trenches thus reflecting the values at different depths. The samples were left unconcentrated and unadulterated for the purpose of a reading for trace gold. Though many of these samples at first glance do not reflect an impressive presence of gold in the soil, the fact that the 33 samples sent to Als Chemex (weighing roughly one pound each) showed trace gold. This we view as impressive.
Upon receipt of these analyses President John Marconette examined the results and determined the probable location of the gold source. The results ultimately lent credibility to Drake management’s suspicions that the strongest concentrations of gold lay to the north of the property. Supporting this theory of the gold’s location, Mr. Marconette took additional samples near these locations. The placer samples returned a significant showing of gold during Drake management’s following trip to the Georgia site. In this area, Mr. Marconette predominantly gathered hard rock samples hoping to find greater concentrations of gold, revealing a more accurate determination of the source of gold. This strategy proved fruitful, as the final set of samples from the site demonstrated substantially higher levels of gold than before. As named in Drake’s most recent press release and tabulated below, this assay showed gold concentrations as high as 2.51 ounces per ton. Of the 18 samples collected on this most recent excursion to the Georgia property, 16 showed gold with 13 of those samples demonstrating concentrations greater than .25 ounces per ton and 4 of those 13 reflecting concentrations of over an ounce per ton.
These findings are significant and represent the culmination of extensive and concerted efforts to locate Drake’s target zone on site. Our work to garner an accurate picture of the lay of the land and the location of gold reserves on the property began in the spring of 2007, when management first began collecting samples for assay. This first set of samples were gathered from a wide parcel of the property in order to get a sense of the land as a whole before tightening our focus on a specific area on site. As shown in the table below, Hazen Research in Colorado conducted these samples in April 2007. The results were promising, with alluvial concentrations as high as .571 ounces per ton. This analysis provided enough assurance of the strong presence of gold for Drake to move forward with our plans for the property.
Using the first assay results to lead us toward the gold source, Drake management returned to Georgia and gathered additional samples in order to gather further information needed to tighten our focus on the property.We sent the 18 collected samples to ALS Chemex in Sparks, Nevada for analysis. As you can see from the table below, the resulting analysis was also favorable, with gold concentrations 10 parts per million or higher.
As described above and tabulated below, the third set of samples taken from the property may not demonstrate the most robust alluvial concentrations from the site, but the analysis of these parcels of soil lent significant aide to our efforts to accurately place gold reserves on the property. These samples were purely soil collections and thus not the most accurate reflection of potential on site. They did, however, point us in the right direction of the true target area. Using the information from these assays, Mr. Marconette identified the probable location of the gold and on management’s most recent trip to Georgia gathered a set of samples that we have already shown to be impressive. We are immensely excited by the return of this assay and are propelled by these findings to press on and expand plans for our Georgia operation. While we had previously focused primarily on extracting alluvial gold, we are now encouraged to develop our plans to include hard rock. Though we will begin processing the placer deposits, Drake hopes to soon after begin core sampling, determining an accurate estimate of gold reserves present on the property and eventually extracting these deposits in order to fully maximize the mining potential of this site. These processes will be conducted under the guide lines of standards of disclosure for mineral projects, National Instrument 43-101.
In review, Drake has been able to secure all 5 sets of samples and can now determine the average grades as well as probable resources and output. Upon discovery of this higher concentration we can now focus our operational plan and permits on this area of our property. These assays will additionally increase the average grade throughout this property and help shape the Georgia Reserve Report management is preparing for release.
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The management team at Drake Gold is thrilled to announce the latest laboratory analysis of samples taken from our Georgia gold mining site. As we have explained in previous public statements, members of Drake management recently traveled to Georgia on two separate occasions for the purpose of gathering further samples from the property. During each of these trips gold was visibly seen in pans from samples processed on site. Toward the end of February, Drake management was on-site, collecting strictly soil samples. The main objective of these collections was to lend added insight into the true location of the primary gold source on the property. As previously mentioned, these samples were sent to ALS Chemex labs in Sparks, NV. Due to errors made by the laboratory, these samples unfortunately took nearly a month to be processed. While waiting for the completion of these results, another set of samples collected at the same time were sent to Texas to another independent laboratory, Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, which had completed assays for Drake to our satisfaction in the past. The purpose of these samples was to determine the gold parts per million in the trenches thus reflecting the values at different depths. The samples were left unconcentrated and unadulterated for the purpose of a reading for trace gold. Though many of these samples at first glance do not reflect an impressive presence of gold in the soil, the fact that the 33 samples sent to Als Chemex (weighing roughly one pound each) showed trace gold. This we view as impressive.
Upon receipt of these analyses President John Marconette examined the results and determined the probable location of the gold source. The results ultimately lent credibility to Drake management’s suspicions that the strongest concentrations of gold lay to the north of the property. Supporting this theory of the gold’s location, Mr. Marconette took additional samples near these locations. The placer samples returned a significant showing of gold during Drake management’s following trip to the Georgia site. In this area, Mr. Marconette predominantly gathered hard rock samples hoping to find greater concentrations of gold, revealing a more accurate determination of the source of gold. This strategy proved fruitful, as the final set of samples from the site demonstrated substantially higher levels of gold than before. As named in Drake’s most recent press release and tabulated below, this assay showed gold concentrations as high as 2.51 ounces per ton. Of the 18 samples collected on this most recent excursion to the Georgia property, 16 showed gold with 13 of those samples demonstrating concentrations greater than .25 ounces per ton and 4 of those 13 reflecting concentrations of over an ounce per ton.
These findings are significant and represent the culmination of extensive and concerted efforts to locate Drake’s target zone on site. Our work to garner an accurate picture of the lay of the land and the location of gold reserves on the property began in the spring of 2007, when management first began collecting samples for assay. This first set of samples were gathered from a wide parcel of the property in order to get a sense of the land as a whole before tightening our focus on a specific area on site. As shown in the table below, Hazen Research in Colorado conducted these samples in April 2007. The results were promising, with alluvial concentrations as high as .571 ounces per ton. This analysis provided enough assurance of the strong presence of gold for Drake to move forward with our plans for the property.
Using the first assay results to lead us toward the gold source, Drake management returned to Georgia and gathered additional samples in order to gather further information needed to tighten our focus on the property.We sent the 18 collected samples to ALS Chemex in Sparks, Nevada for analysis. As you can see from the table below, the resulting analysis was also favorable, with gold concentrations 10 parts per million or higher.
As described above and tabulated below, the third set of samples taken from the property may not demonstrate the most robust alluvial concentrations from the site, but the analysis of these parcels of soil lent significant aide to our efforts to accurately place gold reserves on the property. These samples were purely soil collections and thus not the most accurate reflection of potential on site. They did, however, point us in the right direction of the true target area. Using the information from these assays, Mr. Marconette identified the probable location of the gold and on management’s most recent trip to Georgia gathered a set of samples that we have already shown to be impressive. We are immensely excited by the return of this assay and are propelled by these findings to press on and expand plans for our Georgia operation. While we had previously focused primarily on extracting alluvial gold, we are now encouraged to develop our plans to include hard rock. Though we will begin processing the placer deposits, Drake hopes to soon after begin core sampling, determining an accurate estimate of gold reserves present on the property and eventually extracting these deposits in order to fully maximize the mining potential of this site. These processes will be conducted under the guide lines of standards of disclosure for mineral projects, National Instrument 43-101.
In review, Drake has been able to secure all 5 sets of samples and can now determine the average grades as well as probable resources and output. Upon discovery of this higher concentration we can now focus our operational plan and permits on this area of our property. These assays will additionally increase the average grade throughout this property and help shape the Georgia Reserve Report management is preparing for release.
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Summary of Assays for Drake's Georgia Operation
By: Drake Management
1st Assay Results:
Hazen Research, Inc.
Samples Taken 4/9/07
Samples were collected by Jan Yarrington over a five mile section including the Georgia property and some of the surrounding area. As stated on Drake’s November 30, 2007 announcement, "Assay results (below) indicate a viable gold resource at the surface and indicate a significant gold resource at depth. The hard-rock assay values are of particular interest: maximum 0.571 ounces of gold per ton or $340 per ton. The placer gold values are even more concentrated, approaching 1 ounce per ton consistently (combination of DG-20 and DG-15). Typically, when exploring for gold, one has to rely on placer gravels to lead to an area of high concentration in the hard rock. The samples assayed at the Georgia property, however, have shown significant gold concentrations in the hard rock as well as the placer."
"To put these sample concentrations into perspective, the cut-off grade for open-pit gold mines is 0.01 ounces of gold per ton. The Georgia samples have concentrations in the hard rock that are 50 times that of low grade ore."
Read Full 1st Assay Results
SAMPLE.......................GOLD OZ/TON
2nd Assay Results
ALS Chemex
Samples Taken 9/6/07
With the advisement of Drake management, Jan Yarrington again collected samples, targeting areas that showed promise in the previous assay. As stated on Drake’s November 30, 2007 announcement, “Samples reported by Dr. McLemore processed by ALS Chemex had a maximum record of 10 grams per ton so that trace elements would be evaluated. Four of the samples, both hard rock and placer, again came in over 10 grams per ton. The exact amount over is undetermined due to the process.”
Read Full 2nd Assay Results
JBBC ................................>0.005
A-1+3 CON.........................5.200
AA-1+3 CON......................0.285
A-1+3-U CON .................<10.00
T-1 CON ..........................<10.00
T-1-B CON.......................<10.00
3rd Assay Results Part 1:
ALS Chemex
Samples Taken 2/28/08
Samples were taken by Thomas Conar, Clayton Smith and Jan Yarrington. These collections represent purely soil samples. Quoted from the March 11, 2008 announcement, “Drake's management mining plan called for independent analyses from two different labs to ensure accuracy of sampling. As indicated on the Company's blog and in past press updates, Drake management identified its initial target area in Georgia and did depth sampling, digging seven trenches and sampling from each zone to determine the gold resources.”
Read Full 3rd Assay Results Part 1
JB H(1) S(1)........................0.006
JB H(1) S(2)........................0.004
JB H(1) S(3)........................0.006
JB H(1) S(4)........................0.002
JB H(1) S(5)........................0.005
JB H(2) S(1)........................0.006
JB H(2) S(2)........................0.006
JB H(2) S(3)........................0.004
JB H(2) S(4)........................0.004
JB H(2) S(5)........................0.004
JB H(3) S(1)........................0.005
JB H(3) S(2)........................0.003
JB H(3) S(3)........................0.01
JB H(3) S(4)........................0.005
JB H(3) S(5)........................0.003
JB H(4) S(1)........................0.01
JB H(4) S(2)........................0.006
JB H(4) S(3)........................0.007
JB H(4) S(4)........................0.013
JB H(4) S(5)........................0.007
NE of Buchanan..................0.006
HP (I) NE F Bucknoan......0.002
RI 01/30/08 Sample (1)..0.004
V-MC-H(1) S(1).................0.002
V-MC-H(1) S(2).................0.006
V-MC-H(2) S(1).................0.003
V-MC-H(2) S(2).................0.003
V-MC-H(3) S(1).................0.003
V-MC-H(3) S(2).................0.005
Concentrate vs. S(2)..........0.004
No Description #1..............0.002
No Description #2..............0.004
JB HA(1) Sample 5..............0.002
3rd Assay Results Part 2:
Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc.
Samples Taken 2/28/08
Samples, taken at the same time as the samples from Part 1, Soil and hard rock, were sent to Texas due to the unfortunate delay in results from Nevada where the first batch was sent. These clearly show the variation in concentration of the hard rock. As stated in the March 11, 2008 press announcement, “With the help of both ALS Chemex in Sparks, Nevada and Southern Spectrographic Laboratory in Irving, Texas, Drake was able to process 42 samples in total. The majority (35 out of 42) of the samples all showed gold values from unconcentrated grab samples with a maximum placer sample of .47 ounces per ton and a hard rock sample running as high as 4.23 ounces per ton.”
Read Full 3rd Assay Results Part 2
SAMPLES............................GOLD OZ/TON
Iron Ore ..................................<0.03
Quartes ...................................<0.03
J-B Hole 3...............................<0.03
4 J-B Hole 4 Concentrate.....<0.03
NE Creek B1 Black Sand.......<0.03
Norm Farm Field .................<0.03
B3 NE Creek ..........................<0.03
B3 Hard Rock Crush ...............0.47
B1&B2 NE of Vein ...................4.23
4th Assay Results:
Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc.
Samples Taken 3/17/08 to 3/21/08
Following review of the third set of assays, President John Marconette was significantly encouraged to travel on-site and collect further samplings of the hard rock. Mr. Marconette personally oversaw the on-site sampling in March. The eighteen samples were sent to Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc. for analysis, from which the assay data referenced derived. While past collections had focused primarily on soil sampling, Mr. Marconette decided to more closely examine the hard rock grades on the property, thus leading to these exciting discoveries.
Read Full 4th Assay Results
SAMPLE .........................GOLD OZ/TON
Upper Vally NW ....................1.74
Lower Valley ..........................2.51
N Hill Lower 2 .......................0.23
N Hill Lower 1 .......................0.78
Hole 1 ......................................0.22
W Hill Behind H.A2..............0.32
Crush Valley Ore Creek........0.41
Hole 3 .....................................0.38
N Hill Side Property.............0.015
N Hill Valley Power Line.....0.11
N Center Hill .........................0.011
Creek Screen .......................<0.01
Drive Way ..............................0.39
Big Rock Next to House.......0.66
W Hill Behind H.A1............<0.01
Hole 1 .....................................1.00
Behind House ........................1.13
Big Quartz’s ...........................0.45
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1st Assay Results:
Hazen Research, Inc.
Samples Taken 4/9/07
Samples were collected by Jan Yarrington over a five mile section including the Georgia property and some of the surrounding area. As stated on Drake’s November 30, 2007 announcement, "Assay results (below) indicate a viable gold resource at the surface and indicate a significant gold resource at depth. The hard-rock assay values are of particular interest: maximum 0.571 ounces of gold per ton or $340 per ton. The placer gold values are even more concentrated, approaching 1 ounce per ton consistently (combination of DG-20 and DG-15). Typically, when exploring for gold, one has to rely on placer gravels to lead to an area of high concentration in the hard rock. The samples assayed at the Georgia property, however, have shown significant gold concentrations in the hard rock as well as the placer."
"To put these sample concentrations into perspective, the cut-off grade for open-pit gold mines is 0.01 ounces of gold per ton. The Georgia samples have concentrations in the hard rock that are 50 times that of low grade ore."
Read Full 1st Assay Results
SAMPLE.......................GOLD OZ/TON
2nd Assay Results
ALS Chemex
Samples Taken 9/6/07
With the advisement of Drake management, Jan Yarrington again collected samples, targeting areas that showed promise in the previous assay. As stated on Drake’s November 30, 2007 announcement, “Samples reported by Dr. McLemore processed by ALS Chemex had a maximum record of 10 grams per ton so that trace elements would be evaluated. Four of the samples, both hard rock and placer, again came in over 10 grams per ton. The exact amount over is undetermined due to the process.”
Read Full 2nd Assay Results
JBBC ................................>0.005
A-1+3 CON.........................5.200
AA-1+3 CON......................0.285
A-1+3-U CON .................<10.00
T-1 CON ..........................<10.00
T-1-B CON.......................<10.00
3rd Assay Results Part 1:
ALS Chemex
Samples Taken 2/28/08
Samples were taken by Thomas Conar, Clayton Smith and Jan Yarrington. These collections represent purely soil samples. Quoted from the March 11, 2008 announcement, “Drake's management mining plan called for independent analyses from two different labs to ensure accuracy of sampling. As indicated on the Company's blog and in past press updates, Drake management identified its initial target area in Georgia and did depth sampling, digging seven trenches and sampling from each zone to determine the gold resources.”
Read Full 3rd Assay Results Part 1
JB H(1) S(1)........................0.006
JB H(1) S(2)........................0.004
JB H(1) S(3)........................0.006
JB H(1) S(4)........................0.002
JB H(1) S(5)........................0.005
JB H(2) S(1)........................0.006
JB H(2) S(2)........................0.006
JB H(2) S(3)........................0.004
JB H(2) S(4)........................0.004
JB H(2) S(5)........................0.004
JB H(3) S(1)........................0.005
JB H(3) S(2)........................0.003
JB H(3) S(3)........................0.01
JB H(3) S(4)........................0.005
JB H(3) S(5)........................0.003
JB H(4) S(1)........................0.01
JB H(4) S(2)........................0.006
JB H(4) S(3)........................0.007
JB H(4) S(4)........................0.013
JB H(4) S(5)........................0.007
NE of Buchanan..................0.006
HP (I) NE F Bucknoan......0.002
RI 01/30/08 Sample (1)..0.004
V-MC-H(1) S(1).................0.002
V-MC-H(1) S(2).................0.006
V-MC-H(2) S(1).................0.003
V-MC-H(2) S(2).................0.003
V-MC-H(3) S(1).................0.003
V-MC-H(3) S(2).................0.005
Concentrate vs. S(2)..........0.004
No Description #1..............0.002
No Description #2..............0.004
JB HA(1) Sample 5..............0.002
3rd Assay Results Part 2:
Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc.
Samples Taken 2/28/08
Samples, taken at the same time as the samples from Part 1, Soil and hard rock, were sent to Texas due to the unfortunate delay in results from Nevada where the first batch was sent. These clearly show the variation in concentration of the hard rock. As stated in the March 11, 2008 press announcement, “With the help of both ALS Chemex in Sparks, Nevada and Southern Spectrographic Laboratory in Irving, Texas, Drake was able to process 42 samples in total. The majority (35 out of 42) of the samples all showed gold values from unconcentrated grab samples with a maximum placer sample of .47 ounces per ton and a hard rock sample running as high as 4.23 ounces per ton.”
Read Full 3rd Assay Results Part 2
SAMPLES............................GOLD OZ/TON
Iron Ore ..................................<0.03
Quartes ...................................<0.03
J-B Hole 3...............................<0.03
4 J-B Hole 4 Concentrate.....<0.03
NE Creek B1 Black Sand.......<0.03
Norm Farm Field .................<0.03
B3 NE Creek ..........................<0.03
B3 Hard Rock Crush ...............0.47
B1&B2 NE of Vein ...................4.23
4th Assay Results:
Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc.
Samples Taken 3/17/08 to 3/21/08
Following review of the third set of assays, President John Marconette was significantly encouraged to travel on-site and collect further samplings of the hard rock. Mr. Marconette personally oversaw the on-site sampling in March. The eighteen samples were sent to Southern Spectrographic Laboratory, Inc. for analysis, from which the assay data referenced derived. While past collections had focused primarily on soil sampling, Mr. Marconette decided to more closely examine the hard rock grades on the property, thus leading to these exciting discoveries.
Read Full 4th Assay Results
SAMPLE .........................GOLD OZ/TON
Upper Vally NW ....................1.74
Lower Valley ..........................2.51
N Hill Lower 2 .......................0.23
N Hill Lower 1 .......................0.78
Hole 1 ......................................0.22
W Hill Behind H.A2..............0.32
Crush Valley Ore Creek........0.41
Hole 3 .....................................0.38
N Hill Side Property.............0.015
N Hill Valley Power Line.....0.11
N Center Hill .........................0.011
Creek Screen .......................<0.01
Drive Way ..............................0.39
Big Rock Next to House.......0.66
W Hill Behind H.A1............<0.01
Hole 1 .....................................1.00
Behind House ........................1.13
Big Quartz’s ...........................0.45
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Drake Gold Resources Announces Engagement of Harbin Engineering P.C.
By: Drake Management
Harbin Engineering is assisting Drake management in its efforts to rezone the property to allow mining activities. As explained in previous updates, this requires the filing of certain paperwork in person at the county zoning offices, for which Harbin’s close proximity to the Georgia operation will prove invaluable. Harbin is also securing the requisite property and topographic surveys as needed for permitting and engineering design of any mining facilities on site. Additionally, Harbin has been working closely with Drake management in the preparation of applications, forms, reports, plans, etc. as required by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for obtaining a mining permit, as well as an erosion and sediment control permit. The firm will also assist in the preparation of all permit paperwork required by the National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) with regards to stormwater activities. Harbin will also prepare detailed engineering plans for mining infrastructure which may include the construction of roads, buildings, landscaping, lined ponds, and utility support to facilitate mining activities. Drake and Harbin Engineering have outlined a general scope of the necessary work to be completed by the firm. Harbin will be on retainer to consult and aid with any issues that may arise throughout this process.
Harbin Engineering will be responsible for the following:
Assistance with rezoning of subject property to allow mining activities; assistance in securing the required property and topographic surveys necessary for environmental permitting and engineering design of mining facilities; preparation of applications, forms, reports, plans, etc. required by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for obtaining a mining permit, erosion and sediment control permit, and a National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) permit for stormwater activities; preparation of detailed engineering plans for mining infrastructure which may include roads, buildings, landscaping, lined ponds, utility support, etc. in order to facilitate mining activities, assistance in securing a contract with a licensed well driller for a process water well, and provide general consulting assistance on other engineering activities as needed for mining operations.
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Harbin Engineering is assisting Drake management in its efforts to rezone the property to allow mining activities. As explained in previous updates, this requires the filing of certain paperwork in person at the county zoning offices, for which Harbin’s close proximity to the Georgia operation will prove invaluable. Harbin is also securing the requisite property and topographic surveys as needed for permitting and engineering design of any mining facilities on site. Additionally, Harbin has been working closely with Drake management in the preparation of applications, forms, reports, plans, etc. as required by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for obtaining a mining permit, as well as an erosion and sediment control permit. The firm will also assist in the preparation of all permit paperwork required by the National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) with regards to stormwater activities. Harbin will also prepare detailed engineering plans for mining infrastructure which may include the construction of roads, buildings, landscaping, lined ponds, and utility support to facilitate mining activities. Drake and Harbin Engineering have outlined a general scope of the necessary work to be completed by the firm. Harbin will be on retainer to consult and aid with any issues that may arise throughout this process.
Harbin Engineering will be responsible for the following:
Assistance with rezoning of subject property to allow mining activities; assistance in securing the required property and topographic surveys necessary for environmental permitting and engineering design of mining facilities; preparation of applications, forms, reports, plans, etc. required by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for obtaining a mining permit, erosion and sediment control permit, and a National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) permit for stormwater activities; preparation of detailed engineering plans for mining infrastructure which may include roads, buildings, landscaping, lined ponds, utility support, etc. in order to facilitate mining activities, assistance in securing a contract with a licensed well driller for a process water well, and provide general consulting assistance on other engineering activities as needed for mining operations.
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Thursday, April 3, 2008
Drake Gold Announces Renewed Directional Focus
By: Drake Management
Following our organizational restructuring with Drake’s new management, we are sharpening our focus on the mining of minerals and precious metals. Although we formerly pursued interests in oil and natural gas, we have decided at this time such pursuits are distractions from our core gold-mining business. As a result, the board has ceased expending time and resources in the oil/natural gas sector.
With the great influx of opportunities from our relationship with AERO Mining Tech as distributors of Dove Mining equipment, and our efforts to move into full-scale production on our Georgia mining claim, our time and attention must be channeled effectively in order to maximize success.
One immediate objective is the coordination of our Dove Explorer 500 arrival with the completion of all required mining permits. We are pleased to report a recent surge of interest in our Dove Mining equipment distribution arm. As mentioned in previous updates, our ongoing relationship with AERO has opened up several new opportunities for potential joint ventures and future projects.
With such important considerations requiring our attention, tightening our focus solely on mining will maximize our efforts for success as a producing mining company and a leader in the distribution of mining equipment.
Katherine Jones, VP of Operations, has this to say: “Mr. Marconette’s decision to secure the relationship with one of the world’s largest mining manufacturers has opened up an invaluable source of opportunity for Drake. We are currently reviewing equipment contacts with established mining companies and exploring joint-venture opportunities with turnkey operations.”
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Following our organizational restructuring with Drake’s new management, we are sharpening our focus on the mining of minerals and precious metals. Although we formerly pursued interests in oil and natural gas, we have decided at this time such pursuits are distractions from our core gold-mining business. As a result, the board has ceased expending time and resources in the oil/natural gas sector.
With the great influx of opportunities from our relationship with AERO Mining Tech as distributors of Dove Mining equipment, and our efforts to move into full-scale production on our Georgia mining claim, our time and attention must be channeled effectively in order to maximize success.
One immediate objective is the coordination of our Dove Explorer 500 arrival with the completion of all required mining permits. We are pleased to report a recent surge of interest in our Dove Mining equipment distribution arm. As mentioned in previous updates, our ongoing relationship with AERO has opened up several new opportunities for potential joint ventures and future projects.
With such important considerations requiring our attention, tightening our focus solely on mining will maximize our efforts for success as a producing mining company and a leader in the distribution of mining equipment.
Katherine Jones, VP of Operations, has this to say: “Mr. Marconette’s decision to secure the relationship with one of the world’s largest mining manufacturers has opened up an invaluable source of opportunity for Drake. We are currently reviewing equipment contacts with established mining companies and exploring joint-venture opportunities with turnkey operations.”
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