Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Trek Down to Georgia

A few weeks ago, Drake Gold’s management took a trip down to our Georgia mining project. Though we’ve been in the preproduction phase for some time now, this was our nearest production visit, as Clayton Smith, our Chairman, got his hands dirty in the Georgia soil. After a few days with rolled up sleeves, muddied boots and sweaty brows, we discovered that our claim appears to be richer in gold than first expected. Clayton’s hard work in the South helped to identify our initial target once production is underway. This target zone comprises approximately 10 acres at the bottom of 2 ridges. We have also learned that the local streams are rich with gold, which is a clear indication that placer and alluvial grades will be strong in the pay dirt areas as well.

Keep watching this blog, as I’ll be posting pictures from this seminal trip! For now, check out the video below of Jan Yarrington explaining the process of searching for Gold in the creek beds.

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