Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Hello and thanks for taking the time to join me today and review the first interview of many that we will bring to the investment community and shareholders of Drake Gold Resources Inc. My name is Zoran Minic and I am the main Investor Relations Contact and am joined today by the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Clayton Smith.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: I have just recently come on as the IR after being a shareholder myself for over a year and being able to watch the company develop. I currently am under contract and get paid 144 restricted shares, which are restricted for two years from issue.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Today we have a series of questions relating to what is currently on investor minds and what is in need of addressing as the company excels to the next level.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Chairman?
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: Hello Zoran and thank you for arranging this interview. I am pleased to be able to provide the investment audience and our shareholders with updates. Also want to be sure to inform readers that we will provide interviews on a regular basis and will also allow for open forum questions with investors who would like to join a chat in the future.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: My pleasure – let’s go ahead and get directly into some of the pressing questions.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: The main thing investors want to know about is the concern with the rating system through Pink Sheets and the lack of an available quote. Can you inform us what the reasoning behind this was and what is being done to resolve the problem?
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: It is of course our first order of business as we move into the fourth quarter. First off the issue was created due to Pink Sheets allegedly claiming they received spam or promotion material about the company that triggered them to remove our available quote. There was absolutely no basis for them to do this as the company, nor did anyone affiliated with the company, have anything to do with this allegation.
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: After conversations with contacts at Pink Sheets they informed us that whether we did or did not have anything to do with it they are now requesting further steps to be made to offer more transparency to the investors. We understood their point of view and have agreed to comply in an effort to becoming fully disclosed and reporting.
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: This involves a comprehensive "Initial Company Information and Disclosure Statement" with attached financials. What this effectively does is provide the public with full and accurate information about the company, its structure, its plans and financial information.
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: At this time we are working long hours to be able to fulfill this requirement as we understand the rating we have received via the Pink Sheets website. We are excited to be able to do so as it will move DKGR to the next level of investor confidence as we roll out the business model and plans. We will be making official announcements via the Press, website, and newsletter soon as we have made these accomplishments. The public will be able to expect to see this information posted to www.pinksheets.com under our ticker within the next two weeks.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Well I must say as an investor myself I am very excited to see this accomplished Mr. Smith and I think I can speak on behalf of most shareholders and say that we are all thankful that this will be completed soon.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Mr. Chairman will becoming a fully disclosed Pink Sheet set the stage to move to a senior exchange in the foreseeable future?
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: I would like to answer this in two parts. The easy answer is, yes, we will be seeking senior listing as the company begins to develop but we are going to avoid issues of raising expectations regarding time frames and would rather release information as we accomplish certain steps. The progression without time frames will occur like this: 1-Complete and release the Disclosure Statement and Financials 2-Submit for listing with the PrimeQX 3-Complete necessary audits to post audited financials by a PCAOB firm. Becoming a "Fully Reporting" Pink Sheet will be our near-term objective to be able to file for acceptance to the OTCBB.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Well its appreciated that the company is looking at the future with aggressive plans but is avoiding pitfalls of setting false expectations and timeframes. I know investors are excited about upcoming press announcements as well as hearing any updates regarding the Oil and Gas Spin-off as discussed in previous PR's. Can you give us an idea of what to expect via PR regarding the promised Spin Off?
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: We realize we have had some problems in the past meeting timeframes and commitments and want the investors to know this will not be an ongoing issue for us. We have brought together a strong team of professionals that will be posted to our website some time this week. It is this expertise that will guide the corporate team to the next level including upcoming press announcements that will be of value to the investment community.
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: We are encouraged to be able to say with this solid team now in place we will be able to help the investors better see the future of this company and how we intend to accomplish our goals. We will be discussing our financing strategies and lack of any need to dilute the company through an innovative plan set for release in the next couple weeks.
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: The Spin-Off is the basis for our plans to move forward. Drake Gold will be able to build value in the Drake Oil and Gas subsidiary, raise capital, and acquire projects without having to dilute DKGR. We will be focused on acquiring existing infrastructure, proven and turnkey projects both for Drake Oil and Gas and its parent. For us to complete the dividend as promised we want to be able to present to our investors projects we are planning to acquire and complete steps of this process to build value in the company prior to finishing the dividend. At this time we have taken a series of steps toward this end and will have updates to the market, as they are made available.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Well it sounds like there is a definite plan in place on how to increase shareholder value and you started to answer my next questions about the Company's financing plans and if the market will see dilution to bring this value to the table, can you elaborate regarding your plans?
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: Absolutely. It is very important for the business strategy and to increase bottom-line balance sheet growth to be able to minimize dilution, which would only hurt the market capitalization if mismanaged. We will be detailing a plan in upcoming releases and in our soon-to-be-released business plan, which will show a clear and precise formula to stop any form of dilution. We have yet to issue a single free trading share since Drake's inception in 2006 and don't ever plan to use our float to raise capital for the company. The float has had little changes since we have taken over the company. Our model will be using our subsidiaries through public offerings or interest holdings in other public companies and to leverage ourselves with joint venture capital partners.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: This plan if executed properly could lead to continued growth of Drake's financials and ultimately shareholder value which is what we all want to here. A lot of questions have arisen regarding the Company's current plans for operations and in particular regarding the Jackpot Placer Project, which a recent mining report was released on its current potential, can you fill us in?
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: After a series of false expectations last year from our progression on the placer project we had to contact an outside party to conduct independent review and investigation of the real potential of the JPP. The report, although inconclusive, did reveal a lot of information. Gold content was not what was expected and would ultimately take bulk sampling to be able to really determine how much gold is there as well as potential for silver and copper. We have made counter offers to our lease and will continue discussions to see if we can arrange a time frame to bulk sample before spending more money on advance royalties. In the mean time we are extremely pleased with our initial review of our Georgia prospects through our joint venture with Southern Mining and Exploration.
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: SME is a company I am a controlling interest holder in. We are using it to properly sample and provide assays for actual gold potential. We are also using it as an operating company in Georgia that will secure all the rights to the land and properties of interest. We will follow closely our executive mining summary, which calls for using the proper formula to sample and determine if projects are viable gold prospects. We are making the promise to our investors to deliver results to the public before making any claims to actual potential. To this end we have already performed a series of sampling and on-site work, which will be summarized with upcoming assay reports made available very soon.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: In today's day and age we all realize that commodities, and especially gold and oil, are very hot investments backed by record breaking highs in prices. What sets this company apart from other potential gold investments? Other then oil, does Drake Gold Resources intend to diversify into other resource fields such as copper, silver or uranium?
Drake Gold Resources Inc. - Chairman: The great thing about being an emerging issuer is the potential for growth is so great. Due to the value of growing commodity prices we plan to fully capitalize on this opportunity. The game plan we are using is advancing different Drake-managed projects and companies to open many doors in the way of new opportunities. Oil and gas, gold, silver, copper and yes even uranium could be ideal directions for Drake to focus its energies. There really is no limit to where Drake can focus its balance sheet building exercises with the ability to avoid dilution and raise the needed capital through our subsidiary interests. All of our plans will be strictly reviewed for potential and accuracy as we bring them to market.
Drake Gold - Investor Relations: Well Mr. Chairman I am really glad we had time to discuss the current plans and expectations with you today. I look forward to doing our next interview supported by upcoming announcements and value expanding plans. We are going to begin to address many investor inquiries via written interviews so that all current events will be properly communicated. We will also be setting up live question-and-answer forums that we will invite investors to join us in. Please feel free to email us at info@drakegold.com or contact us directly to get your questions answered. We encourage everyone to sign up for our newsletter for the most up-to-date information. Thanks in advance for your considerations.