The final analysis on our last batch of samples from our Georgia pre-production mining site have finally come in and they are exciting. As we have already mentioned, during Drake's last trip to our Georgia operation, our team gathered an array of samples from the site. After the identification of our initial target area, our team conducted depth sampling from seven trenches on the property. In an effort to ensure accuracy, Drake submitted these samples for independent analysis from two separate labs, ALS Chemex and Southern Spectrographic Laboratory.
Both laboratories discovered gold in the vast majority of the samples and showed a maximum placer sample of nearly a half ounce per ton. Also, in our first attempt to test the hard rock of the site, laboratory analysis revealed as much as 4.23 ounces per ton. This revelation has prompted our management team to reconsider its past focus on placer grades alone. We are currently exploring our options to bring in some crushing machinery to fully exploit this initial target zone.
Read the full press release from Drake Gold Resources here:
Drake Gold Resources Announces Successful Sampling of Target Property in Georgia